Best experienced in fullscreen mode.


Use difficulty or version dropdowns to change results to match that difficulty or version respectively.

--Search Bar--

The search bar by default will search for upgrade names that contain the given string of characters. Multiple filters can be added to a search with commas in between them.

Filters (brackets not needed):

/tower or /t [characters]: get any upgrades belonging to a tower that contains the given string of characters

/price or /p [optional symbol] [number] [optional additional number]: get any upgrades with the given price or price range. if no symbol is given, it will default to equals. an additional number is only necessary if the ><, >=<, ><=, or >=<= symbols are being used. symbols include: > (greater than number), >= (greater than or equal to number), < (less than number), <= (less than or equal to number), != (not equal to number), = or == (equal to number), >< (between number 1 and number 2 (non-inclusive)), >=< (between number 1 and number 2 (left-inclusive)), ><= (between number 1 and number 2 (right-inclusive)), >=<= (between number 1 and number 2 (fully inclusive))

/category or /c [category name]: get any upgrades belonging to a tower with the given tower category (primary, military, magic, support, or hero)

/path or /pa [path name]: get any upgrades on the given upgrade path (top, middle, bottom, or N/A for base towers and paragons)

/tier or /ti [optional symbol] [tier] [optional additional tier]: get any upgrades belonging to the given tier or tier range, same process as with the price filter (0 and B and 6 and P can be used interchangeably)


This tool is not affiliated with Ninjakiwi or the BTD6 game.

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